Rehabilitation Aide

Rehabilitation Aide, OSA

Degree Type Occupational Skill Award

Total Credit Hours 10

Rehabilitation Aide at Collin

The Rehabilitation Aide Occupational Skills Award (OSA) is a two-semester award that prepares the student for a career as a Rehabilitation Aide or Physical Therapy Technician. This award is an excellent start for anyone interested in pursuing a career in physical therapy, occupational therapy, chiropractic, medicine, massage, personal training, and other related medical fields. The two-semester track will offer an in-depth education with hands-on experience in the rehabilitation field using experienced clinical staff and faculty along with state-of-the-art lab and simulation equipment. The award prepares the student to work in the rehabilitation field. It provides students interested in an advanced career in rehabilitation a springboard to explore their interests and begin working toward advanced degrees and training. Contact for more information.


Registration is by permission only. Spaces in the Rehabilitation Aide OSA are limited. Please contact the Program Director, the program website, or the Health Sciences and Emergency Services Division Office for details on the admission process.

To apply, students must:

  • Submit the required application by the designated deadline (see department website for deadline information).
  • Submit a short essay addressing application criteria by the designated deadline. Details for the required content can be found on the program website or contact the Program Director or the Health Sciences and Emergency Services Division Office for more information.


All students are required to meet specific functional abilities with or without accommodations for successful completion of the program and to function safely and effectively in the variety of the profession's settings. The specific functional requirements are found in the "Functional Abilities / Core Performance Standards" documents provided in the program information and application forms. Students who think they may not be able to meet the functional standards and need accommodation are encouraged to contact the college ACCESS department as soon as this program is of interest.


Students must complete each course in the OSA program with a "C" or better.


In addition to successfully completing the curriculum, students will have the opportunity to complete a Rehabilitation Aide Certification Test. The test will be at the student's expense and will be completed at the end of the program in the last semester as part of the clinical course.