Application Process


Steps to Apply 

Am I Eligible to Apply?

Applicants must have a high school diploma or its equivalent (i.e. GED).

Applicants must be enrolled in Collin College. Admissions to Collin College does not guarantee admissions to the Veterinary Technology Program.

Applicants must meet the Technical Standards required by the program, with accommodations if necessary.

Applicants with a criminal record will need an evaluation from the Texas Board of Veterinary Medical Examiners. CLICK HERE for additional information.

A social security number is required to take the Texas Licensing Exam to be a Licensed Veterinary Technician.

Program Application Deadline

Fall 2025 Cohort Application Deadline is May 27, 2025


Application packets MUST be received by close of business (5pm) on the deadline date. 

Application Process

Apply for Admission to Collin College.

CLICK HERE for Collin College Admissions Application

· Applicants to the Veterinary Technology Program must be admitted to Collin College.

· Admission to Collin College does not guarantee admission to the Veterinary Technology program.


If needed, apply for Financial Aid.

CLICK HERE for Financial Aid Application


Consider applying for available Scholarships.

CLICK HERE for Scholarship Application


Attend an Information Session. 

CLICK HERE for Information Sessions 

·Informed applicants make better candidates! Become informed about the Veterinary Technology program by attending one of the information sessions listed.


Complete Information Session Verification Post Quiz.

· Applicants will be directed to a link for this quiz at the conclusion of each information session.


Review Technical Standards for the program.

CLICK HERE to view Technical Standards 


Complete Pre-Program Requirements. *

· BIOL 1406 Biology for Science Majors I

· MATH 1314 College Algebra (or higher)

· ENGL 1301 English Composition I

*  All pre-program requirements MUST BE completed with a grade of "C" or higher. If your pre-program requirements were completed more than 5 years ago, please email a copy of your transcript for review to We are unable to accept applications missing grades for these courses.


Complete at least 40 hours of clinical experience.

· Clinical Experience MUST be under the supervision of a Licensed Veterinary Technician (LVT) or

  Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM).

· Clinical experience may be paid or volunteer (working, shadowing, or observation in a veterinary

  clinic or hospital).

· Most applicants accepted into the program have hundreds of hours of clinical experience in a entry level position such as kennel technician or veterinary assistant.


Complete a Veterinary Technology Work Experience Form.

CLICK HERE for Work Experience Form

· A form will be needed for each location used to complete the clinical experience.

· Completed forms must be submitted with Application.


Complete the Veterinary Technology Program Application Form

Vet Tech Application CLICK HERE

 ·After you have been accepted to Collin College and received your College Wide ID (CWID), you are ready to complete and submit the veterinary technology program application packet.

 · This optional template may be used to work on your application to copy/paste into the electronic version above. VT Application Template

Work/Career Shadowing Experience

Work Experience Form - THIS FORM MUST BE SUBMITTED with application

Work Experience Form(s) must be completed and signed by a Licensed Veterinary Technician (LVT) or veterinarian (DVM).

The Work/Career Shadowing Logs can be used to assist with documenting your work hours as they are completed. Please do not submit this form with your application. 

Work/Career Shadowing Logs (PDF) 

Work/Career Shadowing Logs (Excel) 


How do I submit my application?

Please submit your application using our electronic form.   Vet Tech Application CLICK HERE

Once application is submitted, check Collin College email frequently for communication from the program regarding your status in the selection process.


Submit following completed supporting documents with your application form:

· Unofficial transcripts for colleges other than Collin College

· Work Experience Form(s) completed and signed by a Licensed Veterinary Technician (LVT) or veterinarian (DVM)  

· Date of attendance for Information Session

· Email and phone numbers for two individuals to recommend you into this professional program


Selection Process

Applicants are scored based on their grades in the Pre-Program Required courses, experience (clinical experience, other animal experience, military service, and other work experience), essay question quality, and professional references. The applicants with the top scores are invited to interview with the panel. The applicants with the top scores are invited to join the program.

Special Notes

A mandatory criminal background check and drug screening will be required prior to enrollment of all selected applicants. Once selected, applicants will receive communication about the background check and drug screening from the department through their Collin College email. Do not submit your criminal background request or drug screening until directed to do so by the program. 


Applicants will have to provide proof of MMR, Hep B, Tdap vaccination; rabies vaccination during the first semester of the program. Proof of health insurance coverage will also be required once accepted into the program. Selected students will be contacted by department personnel via Collin College email with further details prior to enrollment.


Individuals with a criminal history will be required to submit a letter from the Texas Board of Veterinary Medical Examiners indicating eligibility of applicant for licensure. This process takes up to 90 days. Starting the process early is required. Please go to CLICK HERE for more information