Vacation Leave Benefits

Annual/Monthly rate vacation hours are earned monthly based on years of full-time service.


Full-time Staff Vacation Benefits

First 3 Years of Employment

3rd Anniversary

5th Anniversary

10th Anniversary +
12 days/year at
8 hours/month
15 days/year at
10 hours/month
20 days/year at
13.3 hours/month
21 days/year at
14 hours/month

Full-time Administrator Vacation Benefits

First 10 Years of Employment

10th Anniversary +

20 days/year at
13.3 hours/month

21 days/year at
14 hours/month

  • Vacation time off is available to full time staff and eligible faculty after new employee's probationary period.

  • Vacation is earned monthly but can be borrowed from unearned time, up to your maximum annual accrual. 

  • Vacation leave hours accrue on the last day of each month. An employee who is in a paid status on the last day of the month earns leave hours for that month. 
  • Employees will submit their absence request for time off in Workday.  Vacation requests must be approved by the supervisor in advance of absence.  

  • Providing quality academic and student services to our students is our priority and therefore, all staff and administrator requests for days off during the week before the semester begins and the first week of classes each semester should be very limited.
    • Supervisors: Please work with your department to ensure proper coverage is provided during this time.
    • Employees: A written request with rationale from the employee must be submitted to and approved by the appropriate Vice President, then forwarded to the appropriate HR Consultant to be included in the personnel file before vacation leave is taken during those critical periods each semester.
  • A maximum of three consecutive weeks' of vacation may be taken.
  • Full-time employees can roll over a maximum of 120 hours of accrued, unused vacation hours each fiscal year. 
  • Earned but unused vacation hours can be paid out at termination of full time employment, retirement, or status change to a non-benefits eligible position or a position that does not earn vacation hours.
    • In addition, up to a maximum of 80 hours rolled from the previous year can be paid at termination of employment, retirement, or status change to a non-benefits eligible position. 

    • Borrowed Vacation hours that have been used but not yet earned must be repaid upon termination of employment or change to a non-benefits eligible position or a position that does not earn vacation hours. 

Grant-Funded Employees

To ensure sufficient funding to cover earned vacation balances, for employees in positions funded by a grant must use all earned vacation hours by the end of the grant funding year.  In the event that grant employment ends, payment for earned but unused vacation hours is contingent upon the availability of grant funds for such payment, and is not eligible to be paid from non-grant funds.


If you need more information or have questions, contact Collin College HR/Benefits at or 972-599-3152.


MichelleMichelle Benvie
Assistant Director, Benefits and Compensation
(972) 599-3164

Benefits Team

Main Line: (972) 599-3152

TaraTara Rice
HR Generalist, Benefits
(972) 758-3849
Fax (972) 599-3156

MiliMili Kim
HR Specialist, Benefits
(972) 758-3886
Fax (972) 599-3156

VinnaVinna Cook
HR Generalist, Benefits (Part-time)
(972) 599-3152
Fax (972) 599-3156